Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Subjectivity In Determining Objectivity (

Objectivity is not something that can easily be attained and, in fact, some even argue that it is not humanly possible. The way we perceive even mundane events is filtered through our religious, social, and political preferences; all information we process is stored in context with other information, thus typically involving stereotyping, the forming of preconceived notions and the discriminating of certain facts
Journalists are trained to be committed towards objectivity and professionalism, but this is a very difficult undertaking; the overall consensus among media analysts is that objective fact model is not in sync with the nature of news coverage, and that the profit seeking model seems to be the most accurate representation of reality. Providing coverage of one issue over another, the terminology and rhetoric used to describe a particular event, and the extensiveness of the coverage of a particular news event are all examples of mundane reporting, that can be inadvertentlytake a stance, without the provision of any analysis.
Which brings us to Al Jazeera; in Aljazeera.Net - About Aljazeera it declares its commitment to "cover[ing] all viewpoints with objectivity integrity and balance” and “present[ing] diverse points of view and opinions without bias or partiality.”

Indeed, Al Jazeera’s very basis is unlike any other perfessional news organization in the Arab world. Since it is not linked directly to the government, it does not face the censorship and harsh restrictions typical among the other news networksm and thus is not compelled to produce information strategically spoon fed by the government. It also embraces Democratic principles by encouraging interactive feedback and bringing in more than one viewpoint on an issue in order to foster debate. In fact, English goes as far to describe its purpose as "to cater to people with diversified interests from continents poles-apart and offer a versatile content of news and information."

Since there is a huge discrepancy between the Arab and Western system of values and ideologies, there no doubt exists a clashing of views as to what constitutes fair and objective news coverage, and to the vast majority of Americans, Al Jazeera’s coverage is far from objective. Countless arguments and evidence have been amassed where Al Jazeera provides coverage that was considered blatantly anti-American. Many refer to it as a mouthpiece for al Keida--a means of providing propaganda disguised as professional news. Government officials such as former secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld, and current secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, have harshly criticized Al Jazeera saying that it has emerged as even more anti-American since 9/11.

Al Jazeera’s claim of Jews knowing in advance of September 11 and thus not attending work at the World Trade Center the day of the attacks infuriated many. There was no evidence to support this claim, and yet it was broadcasted as a serious, substantial piece of news in the Al Jazeera’s news network. More recently, they’ve been denounced for using the term "martyr" in newscasts to describe Palestinian suicide bombers who have killed Israeli civilians. But Al-Jazeera denies anything unfair or biased about this, and contends that the term is used for all Palestinians who die fighting a "cause," not just suicide bombers.


MR said...

Not sure if you saw the Fox News internal memo from the day after the election that was obtained by the Huffington Post, but I have it up now on my website ( How normally sane people can see this network as 'fair and balanced' is beyond my comprehension. It goes to show the power of slick propaganda. Isn't it ironic, though that the new English language version of Al Jazeerah is up and running on a Rupert Murdoch owned network in Britain? Hey, business is business I guess....

Cranky Doc said...

This is a terrific post, but you seem close to saying that because there can be no single Truth, no true Objectivity, that we cannot judge fairness, accuracy, or identify one version of a story as more truthful than another. . . .Do you mean to suggest this?